Probalsa, born as a family company whose main partner is Angel Sereni, was founded in 1975 with the firm intention of creating a specialized in handling Balsa wood (Ochroma Pyramidale) company, as this is considered a noble wood. In more than 41 years the company has managed to maintain relations with several countries around the world, generating several strategic alliances that have helped with the current good development of the company.
AB. SERENI – General Manager of Industrial Exports Company «Probalsa Productores de Balsa»
Name: Angel David
Surname: Sereni Granja
Nationality: Ecuadorian
Titles and studies:
Lawyer in the courts of the Republic of Ecuador
Management Diploma
Former executive director of the National Institute of Agrarian Development (INDA).
Ex-manager of the Empresa Electrica de Guayaquil (Emelec).
Fertisa Ex-manager.

Develop a plan for afforestation and balsa crops in the tropics and subtropics of the country. Collaborate with farmers in planting, harvesting and marketing of balsa trees. Industrialize, process and export with the best final product possible for both Europe, Asia, USA, Brazil, and to all countries that want to develop clean energy such as wind power. We care about having an effective and responsible management in interaction with social / environmental and economic aspect, satisfying and improve the conditions of the community through sustainable management of our natural wealth.


Being leaders in buying buxom balsa wood and industrialization of the same in Ecuador, and become the first forestry company Balsera to process and market glued blocks, rigid panels, battens and wood model grade of the highest quality for satisfaction of the requirements of our internal and external customers; and in the span of 5 years to be among the top 3 processing companies balsa blocks and panels.